
Friday, February 17, 2017

Life Finds a Way

       On 2/16/17, I participated in a public demonstration in which those who are immigrants or immigrant decent weren't supposed to attend school or go to work I chose to skip school to show that I'm proud of my heritage & always will be. we  are all immigrants including those who share prejudice against us..
In the words of Jeff Goldblum in the original Jurassic Park movie "If the history of evolution has taught us anything its that: Life will not be contained, life breaks free it expands to new territories, crashes through barriers, painfully maybe even dangerously."
"life finds a way "
To quote: Neil Degrassy Tyson
  "life journeys to the deepest crevice of the universe" 

       We are supposed to be here we were given this earth to share, to care for it, & as humans we have the right to defend our rights. We need to stand up before its to late, It would astound me to see a nation wide strike, but one day it may be necessary, I'm curious if that would even help much, what we really need is informed people who care. Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote

"Beware when the great God lets loose a thinker on this planet. Then all things are at risk"
      let us challenging the way things are & broaden our awareness of the truth, we must be vigilant citizens just as vigilant as this country of surveillance is, we must continue to be seekers of truth. WE ARE THE  PEOPLE... WE ARE POWER.

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